Ask Questions

One of the big things we do as a unit is talk to our students. We ask them about the things that upset them and we ask them about how to make it better. They have some amazing ideas!

Books and blogs have some great ideas; they give us lots of useful strategies we can use with students with Autism. But they only take us so far. The real key is knowing individual students and what works for them. Each student with autism is unique, an individual first and foremost.

So today’s post is a very short one. It’s also very simple. If you have a student with autism in your class take time to talk to them. Choose a time when they are calm (they’ll find it very difficult to talk to you if they’re anxious or have just had a meltdown) and ask them what works and just as importantly what doesn’t.

My guess is you’ll be very surprised by how effective the ideas they give you are, and the difference listening to them might make. Go on, give it a go. What have you got to lose?

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